关于Blendshape(Morph Target动画)的概念和脸部动捕的使用
人体Anatomy:尝试肌肉面部表情 (Ziva)
1. 关于Blendshape(Morph Target动画)的概念和脸部动捕的使用
关于Blendshape(Morph Target动画)的概念
这里Blendshapes泛指3D定点动画的制作方式 (Maya里面称之为 blend shapes ,而3DS Max里称之为morph targets) ,在3D动画中用的比较多,尤其是人脸动画的制作,通过blendshape来驱动角色的面部表情。
“”表情这个东西看起来是一个无限多可能的东西,怎么能够计算expression呢?这就带来了Blendshapes——一组组成整体表情的基准(数量可以有十几个、50个、100+、 200+,越多就越细腻)。我们可以使用这一组基准通过线性组合来计算出整体的expression,用公式来说就是 ,其中e是expression,B是一组表情基准,d是对应的系数(在这一组里面的权重),b是neutral。” -- From https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/78174706
ARKit 脸部与Vive脸部blendshape基准对比
ARKit(52) | Extra | VIVE(52) | Extra | |
Brow | 5 | | 0 | |
Eye | 13 | | 14 | Eye Frown + 1 |
Cheek | 3 | | 3 | |
Nose | 2 | | 0 | |
Jaw | 4 | | 4 | |
Mouth | 24 | | 20 | O shape - 1 |
Tongue | 1 | Tongue + 7 | 11 | |
Sum | 52 | 59 | 52 | 52 |
2. ARKit的52个Blendshape表情基准组
CC3 | ARKit Name 表情基准/定位符 | ARKit Picture | CC3 Picture |
A01 | browInnerUp | ||
A02 | browDownLeft | ||
A03 | browDownRight | ||
A04 | browOuterUpLeft | ||
A05 | browOuterUpRight | | |
A06 | eyeLookUpLeft | | |
A07 | eyeLookUpRight | | |
A08 | eyeLookDownLeft | ||
A09 | eyeLookDownRight | ||
A10 | eyeLookOutLeft | | |
A11 | eyeLookInLeft | ||
A12 | eyeLookInRight | ||
A13 | eyeLookOutRight | | |
A14 | eyeBlinkLeft | | |
A15 | eyeBlinkRight | | |
A16 | eyeSquintLeft | | |
A17 | eyeSquintRight | | |
A18 | eyeWideLeft | | |
A19 | eyeWideRight | | |
A20 | cheekPuff | | |
A21 | cheekSquintLeft | | |
A22 | cheekSquintRight | | |
A23 | noseSneerLeft | | |
A24 | noseSneerRight | | |
A25 | jawOpen | | |
A26 | jawForward | | |
A27 | jawLeft | ||
A28 | jawRight | | |
A29 | mouthFunnel | | |
A30 | mouthPucker | | |
A31 | mouthLeft | | |
A32 | mouthRight | | |
A33 | mouthRollUpper | | |
A34 | mouthRollLower | | |
A35 | mouthShrugUpper | | |
A36 | mouthShrugLower | | |
A37 | mouthClose | | |
A38 | mouthSmileLeft | | |
A39 | mouthSmileRight | | |
A40 | mouthFrownLeft | | |
A41 | mouthFrownRight | | |
A42 | mouthDimpleLeft | | |
A43 | mouthDimpleRight | ||
A44 | mouthUpperUpLeft | ||
A45 | mouthUpperUpRight | ||
A46 | mouthLowerDownLeft | | |
A47 | mouthLowerDownRight | ||
A48 | mouthPressLeft | | |
A49 | mouthPressRight | |
A50 | mouthStretchLeft | | |
A51 | mouthStretchRight | | |
A52 | tongueOut | |
良心网站可以看ARKit Face Blendshapes的照片和3D模型示例:https://arkit-face-blendshapes.com/
CC3 额外的舌头Blendshape(with open month):
T01 | Tongue_Up | | |
T02 | Tongue_Down | | |
T03 | Tongue_Left | | |
T04 | Tongue_Right | | |
T05 | Tongue_Roll | | |
T06 | Tongue_Tip_Up | | |
T07 | Tongue_Tip_Down | |
3. Vive面部的表情基准组
苹果其实是52+7,因为舌头在52个里只有一个伸舌头的blendshape,但vive其实是42 + 10,整体来讲Vive表情记住能tracking到的表情细节还是更少一些。
我下面编号的排序是按照VIVE Eye and Facial Tracking SDK unity 里inspector里的顺序,方便我加表情。(这里有个maya改blendshape名字的问题,其实名字如果是一模一样的是不需要手动加表情的,但是maya的命名里我不知道怎么改前缀,导致名字无法一样,可能晚点尝试改SDK的代码)
Eye Blendshapes (14 = 12 + 2)
Vive编号 | Vive表情基准 | Vive Picture | Create by CC3 blendshapes | |
V01 | Eye_Left_Blink | | ||
V02 | Eye_Left_Wide | | | |
V03 | Eye_Left_Right | | | |
V04 | Eye_Left_Left | | | |
V05 | Eye_Left_Up | | | |
V06 | Eye_Left_Down | | | |
V07 | Eye_Right_Blink | | | |
V08 | Eye_Right_Wide | | | |
V09 | Eye_Right_Right | | | |
V10 | Eye_Right_Left | | | |
V11 | Eye_Right_Up | | | |
V12 | Eye_Right_Down | | | |
V13 | Eye_Left_squeeze: The blendShape close eye tightly when Eye_Left_Blink value is 100. | | | |
V14 | Eye_Right_squeeze | | | |
Lip Blendshapes (38 = 37 + 1)
Vive编号 | Vive表情基准 | Vive Picture | Create by CC3 blendshapes |
V15 | Jaw_Right | | |
V16 | Jaw_Left | | |
V17 | Jaw_Forward | | |
V18 | Jaw_Open | | |
V19 | Mouth_Ape_Shape | | |
V20 | Mouth_Upper_Right | | |
V21 | Mouth_Upper_Left | ||
V22 | Mouth_Lower_Right | ||
V23 | Mouth_Lower_Left | ||
V24 | *Mouth_Upper_Overturn | | |
V25 | *Mouth_Lower_Overturn | ||
V26 | Mouth_Pout | | |
V27 | Mouth_Smile_Right | | |
V28 | Mouth_Smile_Left | | |
V29 | Mouth_Sad_Right | | |
V30 | Mouth_Sad_Left | ||
V31 | Cheek_Puff_Right | | |
V32 | Cheek_Puff_Left | ||
V33 | Cheek_Suck | | |
V34 | Mouth_Upper_UpRight | ||
V35 | Mouth_Upper_ UpLeft | ||
V36 | Mouth_Lower_DownRight | | |
V37 | Mouth_Lower_DownLeft | ||
V38 | Mouth_Upper_Inside |
V39 | Mouth_Lower_Inside | ||
V40 | Mouth_Lower_Overlay | | |
V41 | Tongue_LongStep1 | | |
V42 | Tongue_LongStep2 | ||
V43 | *Tongue_Down | ||
V44 | *Tongue_Up | | |
V45 | *Tongue_Right | | |
V46 | *Tongue_Left | | |
V47 | *Tongue_Roll | ||
V48 | *Tongue_UpLeft_Morph | | |
V49 | *Tongue_UpRight_Morph | | |
V50 | *Tongue_DownLeft_Morph | | |
V51 | *Tongue_DownRight_Morph | | |
V52 * | O-shaped mouth |
人体Anatomy:尝试肌肉面部表情 (Ziva)